Frequently Asked Questions

[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Please click on a question to see the answer.[/text_output][gap size=”1.313em”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”10px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”What is the difference between a consultation appointment with an arborist, a free estimate, and a diagnosis?”]A consultation appointment allows you to meet and speak with an arborist directly. There is a $60.00 fee due at the time of the consultation. Treeo happily credits this fee onto your invoice if you choose to hire Treeo to perform the work listed on your estimate.

To provide you with a free estimate, our office staff takes detailed notes about what you would like done to your trees as well as the location of your trees in relation to standing at your house facing the front door. This information is then passed on to one of our two arborists or our licensed applicator. They group estimates together by location and visit as many trees as possible each day. Treeo is happy to call you with an estimate, leave one at your home for you, or most commonly email an estimate to you. Depending on how busy we are, this process can take anywhere from a day or two up to a week. If an arborist visits your tree and feels they need to meet with you we will schedule a consultation appointment at no charge to you.

A diagnosis is when an arborist comes out to inspect and evaluate your tree but does not provide you with any type of estimate. Upon your request, Treeo is happy to write you a statement including the findings from our visit as well as the current condition of your tree. There is a $60.00 charge associated with this service.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”How will I know I’ll have the right branches, Limbs, trees removed if I do not meet with an arborist?”]Typically the information you provide our office staff contains enough details for our arborist to provide you with an accurate estimate. However, Treeo welcomes and encourages you to send photos or mark trees/limbs/branches (provided they can be reached) about anything you feel might be unclear. If our arborist is visiting your trees and is in need of further clarification, he will try to contact you directly to speak with you on the phone while he is looking at your trees or the office will contact you to arrange a consultation appointment at no charge to you.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”How do I read my estimate?”]Estimates are broken down in general categories to let our crews know what type of work they will be doing at your property. Under each category our arborist lists more specifically the work that will be performed on your trees. If you have any questions about the verbiage, or what all an estimate entails, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We will be happy to break it down for you.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=” When does Treeo recommend removal?”]When tree is deemed to be high risk to any person or property or if a Tree contains 30% or more of dieback, or if the tree is in decline and past the point of treatment, Treeo will recommend you remove the tree instead of investing money in continuous maintenance.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”What is the cost difference if Treeo leaves my tree for firewood?”]Cutting the wood into 16-18” lengths to be used as firewood typically takes us longer than it would to remove the wood. While we are happy to cut and leave the wood for you, we cannot offer you a discount for this service. If you choose to have Treeo stack wood that we have cut for you, there is often a charge associated with it, due to the amount of time it would take our crew.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Once my Tree is removed when will my stump be ground?”]Typically your stump is ground the next business day. If the weather has been rainy and the ground is soggy we might have to wait until the ground dries out to avoid damaging your lawn.
After your stump has been ground there will be a pile of mulch in your yard.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Why doesn’t Treeo take the mulch after grinding my stump?”]Unlike the brush we chip up from your tree removal, stump mulch has gravel and dirt mixed in with it from the grinding process. In order for Treeo to remove the mulch it would not only take extra labor but it would cost us a fee to dump it. If you are in need of your mulch to be removed, please let us know. We can do it for an additional fee.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”I have received my estimate and would like to approve: What happens next?”]We greatly appreciate each of our clients choosing Treeo In order for us to put your trees on our schedule we would need for you to email or mail us a signed copy of our estimate, or send us and email stating “ I, (your name), approve of the work on estimate # (your estimate #) for the price of $(price). I understand that this email is my electronic signature and is legally binding to the terms and agreements on my estimate.”[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”How will the weather affect my scheduled work?”]Rain and severe weather can certainly stop us from being able to come to you on our scheduled day. If the weather or tree related emergency should derail our plans, we will notify you and work with you to reschedule as quickly as possible.
There are also circumstances where the ground must be dry so that we do not cause any damage to your lawn or property. In these cases we are grateful for our client’s patience as we wait out the soggy weather, and get them on the schedule when the ground is firm.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Do I need to be home when Treeo works on my Trees?”]We at Treeo can certainly understand if you would like to be home, but we do not require you to be home. In fact the majority of the time our clients are not home due to work or other commitments.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Is Treeo insured?”]Yes! Treeo is bonded and commercially insured with both liability and worker’s compensation. We are happy to provide certificates of insurance for you upon request.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”When and how is payment received?”]Treeo accepts payment at time of completion. This can be done by leaving/giving a check to the crew, mailing in a check, or with any major credit card via phone or online though an emailed invoice.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]

Commonly used Terminology:

Lateral pruning refers to cutting tree branches back to the nearest green lateral branch.

Green lateral branch is a living limb that is at least 1/3 the size of the limb being cut.

Parent limb is a dominant lead or part of the main trunk system of a tree that branches typically grow from.

Crown is the woody and leafy section of a tree. It is made up of limbs, branches, twigs, and leaves.

Canopy is the horizontal area that the crown covers.

Drip line is the outside circumference of a tree’s canopy.

Crown reduction is a decrease in height and/or spread of the foliage bearing sections of a tree.

Dieback is when tips of branches exhibit no signs of life.

Deadwood is removing branches or stems that are non-living.

Decline is when a tree shows signs of reduced leaf size, color or density (lack of vitality).

Thinning is when the density of live branches is reduced to allow air to pass through the canopy instead of pushing into it or to allow sunlight to penetrate the inner foliage to promote longevity of inner branches.

Sucker growth is a clone of the plant growing from the plant’s base or root flare.

Root flare is the area at the base of a trunk where the tree joins the roots.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”10px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][gap size=”3em”][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”6860″][/vc_column][/vc_row]